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Freesia Invest Corp is a Family Office entity tax domiciled in Singapore under approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). Freesia was granted the 13X tax award after an approval process by MAS on 15 February 2019.

It is 100% owned by The Mitta Education Trust (MET). MET’s mandate is to provide education to single-parent and orphaned children in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra in India – an education that provides “life skills that allow underprivileged youngsters to face life with confidence, resilience, tenacity, a positive mental frame, and right human values”. MET’s role is to allow chosen youngsters to stay focused on their “Journey of Learning and Life Skills Development with Human Values”.

Freesia works closely with Aglaia Family Office (CMS1000353) under their multifamily office structure. Freesia is a 100% owned entity of the Mitta Education Trust (MET), a trust domiciled in Guernsey.

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